Cyber Terrosrism

Cyber-terrorism, it is illegal activities that use computer as a tool to steal individuals or organizations secret such as theft of confidential information of companies, money laundering, distortion of information, racketeering, decoding software, including sorties to the computer system as computer viruses, destruction and so on.

Notorious Cyber Criminals

Hacker is some who seeks an exploit weakness in a computer system or computer network. They will be motivated by multitude of reasons such as profit, protest, or challenge. Nowadays, there are a lot hackers, they are a very diverse bunch  and their portrayal in the media has ranged from the high-tech super spy. In this post will introduce to ten of the most famous hackers.

Black Hat Hackers: who work to exploit computer systems. Some of then do it for fun and curiosity.There are five most famous of black hat hackers
1. Jonathan James: cracked into NASA computers, stealing software worth approximately $1.7
2. Adrian Lamo: Dubbed as homeless hacker Broke into New York Times and Microsoft.
3. Kevin Mitnick: The Department of Justices describes him as the most computer criminal in the U.S.,
his exploit detailed into two movies Freedom Downtime and Takedown.
4. Kevin Pulsen: Known as Dark Dante and law enforcement dubbed him as the Hannibal Lacter of computer crime. He hacked into LA radios KIIS-FM phone lines, which earned him a brand new Porsche, among other items.
5. Robert Tappan Morris: Known as the creator of the Morris Worm. He wrote the code for the worm, the first computer worm to be unbleached on the Internet.

White Hat Hackers: Hackers that use their skill for good are classified as "white hat". They work often work as certifid "Ethical Hackers", hired by companies to test their integrity systems.
1. Stepehn Wozniak: is famous for being the "other Steve" of Apple along with current Apple CEO Steve Jobs, co-founded Apple Computer.
2. Tim Berners-Lee: is fame as the inventor of the World Wide Web, the system the we use to access site. documents and files on the internet. He has received numerous recognition, most notably by the Millennium Tecnology Prize.
3. Linus Torvals: the very popular Unix based operating system. He calls himself "an engineer"
4. Richard Stallman: stall-man's fame derives from the GNU project, which he founded develop a free operating system.
5. Tsutomu Shimomura: reach fame in an unfortunate manner. He was hacked by Kevin Mitnick. Following this personal attack, he made it his cause to help the FBI capture him


