Cyber Terrosrism

Cyber-terrorism, it is illegal activities that use computer as a tool to steal individuals or organizations secret such as theft of confidential information of companies, money laundering, distortion of information, racketeering, decoding software, including sorties to the computer system as computer viruses, destruction and so on.

Cyber Bullying

The positive aspects of technological progress have brought prosperity and comfort to our lives. Obviously  there is other side of technology called Cyber-bullying or  violence in cyberspace has returned to a bitter and wound in  heart to people who have been suffered with it.
Violence is the beginning of the wound. Bullying between children, we have know since a long time ago, and it's still exist in today's society. Bullying is physical harm to a person like a bigger brother bullies his little sister. The physical fight between the children is visible for us to judge who is the first move of bullying and who is the victim?
Today's technology is getting spread and scatter to even a small child. It has become a part of our lives, and a misuse that called Cyber-Bullying (Being bullied through cyberspace) is initially. Anyone can initiate this kind of violence even little children.
Cyber-bullying is bullying through cyberspace between children by different forms including slur, wording that malign others, slander, forward to others any confidential information via the Internet, or even a mobile phone. It causes the victim feeling pain and affect their psychological mind.
This kind of violence, it is impossible to know who is the culprit. This can be devastating to anyone anywhere at anytime. The offender is able continued to emphasize the violence. The victim, who has been bullied, some day may come back as an act of violence to avenge against the initiator. This wicked cycle has no end with the realization that anyone is committing it

